1. Declutter your home with these tips in mind….
-If you did not own the object, would you go out of your way to purchase it? If not, then dump it.
-If you keep something because it may be useful at some future time, throw it away.(unless it is expensive)
-Keep a donation box in your home.
2. Say no more often. Have confidence, trust your intuition, and don’t fear missing out. Don’t say yes to satisfy others or when persuaded by others. Unless it is a certain and enthusiastic yes on your behalf, just say no and don’t look back.
3. Avoid consumerism with these tips…
-Wait for at least two days before you make a purchase.
- invest in experiences instead of products.
- buy technology that achieves your needs. It does not need to be the latest or most popular model.
- Don’t make purchases that continue.